Why It's Important for Senior Living Operators to Develop Next-Generation Leaders

When looking at the future, we look to the next generation and how to develop them into leaders. That is no different for the senior living industry. Helping cultivate these new, young leaders and share the important parts of this industry and why it really matters. But this isn’t just for the new generation, it benefits everyone, including the most important people involved, our residents. 

At Remember Me Senior Care, we take great pride in elevating the senior living industry by developing the next generation of those who will care for the greatest generation.

Sharing the Benefits and Why We Love Working in Senior Living

Remembering the reasons we love being in the senior living industry builds a foundation to reference when days are difficult. Sharing what brought us to this industry and why we fell in love with senior living is the energizing power behind great caregiving and everything we do.

Why Senior Living?

The main reason we fell in love with senior living is pretty simple. We love seniors! They are why we choose to do what we do each and every day. However, this surfaces in different experiences and vital memories for each team member. There is no one size fits all for senior living and there are many occurrences each day that make you know this is where you’re meant to work. From finding an employer that makes you feel valued and welcomed, to finding purpose and connection, the team at Remember Me loves what they do.


What Are Our Values?

At Remember Me Senior Care, we uphold our core values everyday, with every interaction we have, whether that be with residents or other team members. You can use this valor values template to help you identify your personal values. We lead by example and know how important core values are to our team and those we serve, that is why we make sure our team members have similar personal core values.

Core values are the driving force behind all of our daily decisions on a personal and career level. They are showcased when building relationships, creating stronger and more solid bonds that last a lifetime. Values are also prevalent in solving problems, whether day to day or large life obstacles, these values act as our guide to help us navigate and overcome anything in our path. At Remember Me, we use our core values to better the lives of the seniors we serve as well as their families.

Our core values are: 

  • To be trustworthy

  • To show selflessness 

  • To have empathy

  • To strive for excellence

Our team is who we are and the most important piece in fulfilling our mission while upholding our core values. If these resonate with you, check out our career opportunities for ways you can become part of our team. 

The Power of Mentorship

Mentorship comes in many forms, but there is one key factor in every mentor relationship, it helps all people involved grow. It can be easy to see the benefits of the person being mentored, but there are so many advantages to being a mentor. Forbes shares some benefits of being a mentor, which range from the first to mind personal satisfaction to the being able to perceive the same situations in different ways through the eyes of those you mentor. In senior living, it goes one step further, our residents and their families also benefit from our team members having these relationships and sharing their knowledge. 

Residents and team members making food in the kitchen

For the individual being mentored, there are many reasons this relationship is beneficial. From self confidence to better work application, the possibilities are endless. The differences between mentorship and training are huge, with mentorship usually resulting in long term relationships and personal growth.

Did You Know…

Individuals being mentored are 5 times more likely to be promoted. (Source)

Building Leaders Through a Leadership Bootcamp

Our mission is to help those who are going through what we have gone through and provide them the very best environment to do so. We strive for this in everything we do, but we have a special program specifically designed for individuals who are new to the senior living industry. Proudly partnering with Solinity Leadership, we host individuals going through the Solinity Leadership Bootcamp to share insight and hands on experience in all of the different aspects of senior living.

Audrey Schoonover sitting with a resident

“The leadership team here has a great wealth of knowledge, so does the team of employees.” 

- Audrey, Leadership Bootcamp Participant

This bootcamp lets individuals who are new to or want to learn more about the senior living industry come to have a full comprehensive understanding of all perspectives of senior living. Shadowing team members from dining to management, living in the community, and being fully immersed for an entire week, gives participants a strong understanding of what goes into each position as well as the perspective of residents. Learn more about the program and how you can participate. 

“You’re able to sit under a different department everyday, which I think is incredible. It’s just a really good experience to understand the importance of how all the departments have different responsibilities, but it’s all very cohesive.”

- Lauryn, Marketing Director

To learn more about the Bootcamp Program and how to get involved, visit SolinityLeadership.com.

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